087 820 4600

Chris Woodcock

Business Broker

Phone: Mobile Only
Mobile: 083 376 1149
Fax: 03 366 4442
Office: Garden Route

With over 22 years in the corporate trenches and 12 years in private business, Chris is well positioned to understand and guide someone through the minefield of selling their business.

More often than not, there is a lot of emotion when someone decides to sell their prized possession, their creation which has drawn blood sweat and tears over many years, and this emotion needs empathy and a special care in managing forward.

From auditing to retailing, wholesaling to manufacturing, from the production floor to the board room, Chris has experienced many business environments.

Recognising that one’s business is most often the biggest challenge in one’s life, Chris’ empathy for the business owner and the challenges they face is his greatest strength.

Numerically proficient and professional in approach, Chris will competently combine his personal passion for business to his commitment to manage the sale or purchase of someone’s prized possession.


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